Wednesday 21 August 2013

Animation Time

Ok, so ive started rendering on Wednesday last week.
A week has now past and im just past half way. Im
starting to get really frustrated but yea.

Friday 16 August 2013

The Big Move

So im moving the end of this month to a new place in South End.
As i have sold all my fish in Despatch, I think it is
suitable to start a new tank.
This is gna be my first attempt at a marine tank.
The Design

1373mm x 610mm x 480mm

400 liters.

Sump Design

This is the sump tank im gna use.


Monday 12 August 2013


So ive started the animation rendering. Ive read up on the 3ds max forum
that to achieve a better quality animation it is better to render
the frames as tga files and then rendering the animation in
3ds max ram player.

Ive bin rendering now for 20 hours and it is 1/4 done.
hopefully it will be done before hand in.

So far so good. 

Friday 2 August 2013

3D Animation Design

The Design
This is the Project Im gna use for making a 3D animation.

Thursday 1 August 2013



Well my design is finished modeling in Cad.
Learned today how to do 3D Animation in max so
gonna get started on that.