Wednesday 30 October 2013

My Nano Reef Tank

So I started Building the tank a month ago

Here it is drying. As you can see, I built the filter chamber on the left hand side
so that there wuld be no pipes en pumps in the display part.

Here im doing the leak test. Left it outside for 2 days and there were no leaks.

Ok here is the filter chamber which works like a sump. Water runs over the overflow.
Gets filtered by the spunge thing and bacteria builds up on the ceramic ring. Stage two is the heater and protein skimmer, and stage three is the return pump pumping the water back into the display.

Here I added some live rock to help with the cycle. Also to cure the live rock.
Here is the design of the light fixture which I have done on CAD.

Built it today. just used some aluminium channel. siliconed everything together and it came out really nice.
Now to supper glue the LED's into place and it will look awsum. A little broke now and time to get back to B-Tech work

Sunday 22 September 2013

Project 2

Ive started on my second computers project now.

Basicly the model is finished in cad. Now I have to model in the context.
when finished, I will do exterior animation in Lumion to create a better context.

Interior animation will be done in max to create doors that will open and moving objects.  

Still Renderings

So ive finished my assembly animation and got a crit on it.

Made the changes and started to re-render everything.

I had some extra time so I did some still renders in Lumion which turned out a lot better for the animation

 These are the renderings done in max.

 These are done in lumion.

Just to create a little bit of context.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Adobe Premiere

So all the rendering is done

imported in adobe premiere today to do a sequence animation
of tga still rendered images.

Struggled to figure it out but must say its a million time
better than Movie Maker.

The reason for this is it can export as quicktime files
which enables you to boost the final
quality of the finished animation.

avi file rendered at 124mg and when changed to
quicktime and the settings, the same project
exported to 2.3gb.


Sunday 1 September 2013

Movie Maker

So my animation is done rendering on 3ds max.
I have exported a quicktime format and a avi format.
The quicktime files are alot bigger than the avi files and must
say they look alot better.
Movie Maker does not allow you to import quicktime files.
And when importing avi files and making the animation in Movie Maker,
the quality of the video drops a lot when exporting.
Im geting Adobe Premier today as it allows to import quicktime
files and from what I hve read, the export quality should
be a lot better.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Animation Time

Ok, so ive started rendering on Wednesday last week.
A week has now past and im just past half way. Im
starting to get really frustrated but yea.

Friday 16 August 2013

The Big Move

So im moving the end of this month to a new place in South End.
As i have sold all my fish in Despatch, I think it is
suitable to start a new tank.
This is gna be my first attempt at a marine tank.
The Design

1373mm x 610mm x 480mm

400 liters.

Sump Design

This is the sump tank im gna use.


Monday 12 August 2013


So ive started the animation rendering. Ive read up on the 3ds max forum
that to achieve a better quality animation it is better to render
the frames as tga files and then rendering the animation in
3ds max ram player.

Ive bin rendering now for 20 hours and it is 1/4 done.
hopefully it will be done before hand in.

So far so good. 

Friday 2 August 2013

3D Animation Design

The Design
This is the Project Im gna use for making a 3D animation.

Thursday 1 August 2013



Well my design is finished modeling in Cad.
Learned today how to do 3D Animation in max so
gonna get started on that.

Saturday 27 July 2013


So It Was Holiday

Got a new flat in South End which is awsum.
Sold all my fish so no more driving to Despatch
to take care of them.

My 5 year old Gold Fish died but was replaced with a
Siamese Fighting fish and the plans for the
Marine Tank are moving forward.

My car door got replaced by the insurance.

Amped for the new semester.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Gota Love The NMMU

Ok, so on the 25th at 9:00 am the morning I went to NMMU to go work on my urban project with some group members. Feeling very happy about the progress we made. So at 11:30 I walked out of the building when 2 girls pass me, asking me if I drive a white polo vivo. I reply yes. They said they are very sorry but someone just broke into my car with a crow bar. Running to the car I saw the security guard infront of my car sitting in her chair doing absolutely nothing. I ask her what just happened. She replies, NO I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING. 

So now I ask myself how is that possible. Pointless question.

anyway here is some pics of my car.


Something has got happen with security.
Make a plan

We have enough stress as is, cant afford to stress about stuff like this as well.

Friday 24 May 2013

Have a Break

Have a break, Have a KITKAT



New Project

We have to compare the two buildings with factors that include the organisation, path, scale, shape, size, texture, color ext. 

 These are the pictures of the NMMU im going to use.

Monday 20 May 2013


Dairy Farm

Some Lumion renders I did for my Dairy farm design.


Sunday 12 May 2013

My Band

Here is a link for my bands music vid

This is done by a friend who studies media. It was done for a project


Work Space

My new work space PC setup


Tuesday 7 May 2013


Interior Render

Had to recreate the scene from the photo in Lumion.

Was quite a struggle getting use to the new program.

Mirrors are impossible.

Monday 29 April 2013



My Diploma.


Cross Ways Dairy farm

This is my basic concept of the design.

 Board room and office on the left
Public space in the middle and workers area on the right with
the rotary milking parlour. 

Courtyard space on top left and the holding pen on bottom right corner.

Cad Floor plans.

Sections up next.

Scribante Sound Comp...

Scribante drags and sound competition

Went the weekend to the Scribante drags. 

My brothers polo.

2x Targa 15" subs and 2000 watts Targa mono block.

unfortunately the 1 sub got blown before he could play.
Better luck next time.