Sunday 26 May 2013

Gota Love The NMMU

Ok, so on the 25th at 9:00 am the morning I went to NMMU to go work on my urban project with some group members. Feeling very happy about the progress we made. So at 11:30 I walked out of the building when 2 girls pass me, asking me if I drive a white polo vivo. I reply yes. They said they are very sorry but someone just broke into my car with a crow bar. Running to the car I saw the security guard infront of my car sitting in her chair doing absolutely nothing. I ask her what just happened. She replies, NO I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING. 

So now I ask myself how is that possible. Pointless question.

anyway here is some pics of my car.


Something has got happen with security.
Make a plan

We have enough stress as is, cant afford to stress about stuff like this as well.

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