Sunday 26 May 2013

Gota Love The NMMU

Ok, so on the 25th at 9:00 am the morning I went to NMMU to go work on my urban project with some group members. Feeling very happy about the progress we made. So at 11:30 I walked out of the building when 2 girls pass me, asking me if I drive a white polo vivo. I reply yes. They said they are very sorry but someone just broke into my car with a crow bar. Running to the car I saw the security guard infront of my car sitting in her chair doing absolutely nothing. I ask her what just happened. She replies, NO I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING. 

So now I ask myself how is that possible. Pointless question.

anyway here is some pics of my car.


Something has got happen with security.
Make a plan

We have enough stress as is, cant afford to stress about stuff like this as well.

Friday 24 May 2013

Have a Break

Have a break, Have a KITKAT



New Project

We have to compare the two buildings with factors that include the organisation, path, scale, shape, size, texture, color ext. 

 These are the pictures of the NMMU im going to use.

Monday 20 May 2013


Dairy Farm

Some Lumion renders I did for my Dairy farm design.


Sunday 12 May 2013

My Band

Here is a link for my bands music vid

This is done by a friend who studies media. It was done for a project


Work Space

My new work space PC setup


Tuesday 7 May 2013


Interior Render

Had to recreate the scene from the photo in Lumion.

Was quite a struggle getting use to the new program.

Mirrors are impossible.